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Save TIme and Money by Putting an End to Spam

Spam can comprise a significant % of your companyโ€™s incoming Email messages. With its nonsense text and offensive advertisements, it is probably the single most cursed by-product of the Internet. It wastes the userโ€™s time, and by extension, it costs you money. Multiplied by the number of employees, the cost of lost productivity can be substantial. Spam carries a deadly payload of viruses and other infections that can cripple your computers, ruin your data, and spread rapidly through your network.

A recent study (.pdf) indicates that despite knowing the risks of opening spam Emails, 46% of respondents still did so โ€“ putting their computers and the network at risk.ย Spam clogs your Email server so the real traffic doesnโ€™t get through and can hijack your server to relay more spam,landing you on a blacklist so you canโ€™t send legitimate Email. Lastly, Spam uses storage space on your companyโ€™s Email server, resulting in unnecessary storage costs.

Dealing with spam after/as it arrives is the wrong approach

Most spam solutions try to deal with the problem Email messages as they arrive at the mail server. These solutions tie up valuable server resources that could be devoted to supporting value-added work instead.

Anti-spam software, installed on your PC, provides some protection but it still ties up your computer resources and is time consuming to administer โ€“ defining filters, black lists, keywords, white lists, and so on. And you still have to check every message for false positives โ€“ legitimate messages that get caught in the anti-spam net.

There IS a better way

365MailSafe (Powered by McAfee) receives and filters your Email in the cloud in two steps:

  1. We sequester known spam from known spammers, and reject it immediately – your users never even see it.
  2. We quarantine suspected spam and deliver it to your users in a daily Email summary. Quarantined messages reside on our proxy server, so users are free to open messages and attachments withno risk to your network. From there, they can release any legitimate messages to their Inbox.

The benefits?
Time dealing with spam is absolutely minimized. There is no hardware or software to install at your site, and none of your server resources are used to process spam Email. Most importantly, your employees have more time to focus on growing your business โ€“ which should be the goal of any technology solution.

Is Spam an issue for your business? Would you like to be done with Spam for good? We can help. Give us a call or send a note โ€“ weโ€™d be happy to help.

Michael Anderson

Michael Anderson

When it comes to IT services and solutions, it's important to have someone who not only understands the IT industry but is also passionate about helping clients achieve long-term growth using proven IT solutions. Michael, our CEO, is dedicated to assisting clients in improving their technology to gain a competitive edge in their industries. At 365 Technologies, Michael Anderson leads a team of professionals who are committed to providing exceptional IT services and solutions. With his extensive expertise and hands-on experience, Michael ensures that clients receive the best support and guidance for their IT endeavors. You can trust 365 Technologies to enhance your business systems and stay ahead in today's competitive landscape.